Overcoming Obstacles - Opportunities -

O = Opportunities & Overcoming Obstacles
If success, confidence, and feeling good about yourself were easy, then everyone would be successful, confident and feel good. In reality, there are a lot of obstacles on the road to success. The challenges and obstacles in our lives often slow us down and produce feelings of frustration and discouragement. Confidence is built by overcoming challenges, rather than avoiding them. The problem is that most of us avoid the challenges in our lives and then we lack confidence, because we never built it.

Fear is probably the most common obstacle for women and models: Fear of being shamed or criticized, fear of not measuring up (failure or rejection), fear of what other people will say or think about you, and even fear in the area of physical safety (harassment, kidnapped, being attacked, groped, sexually abused or worse). Fear creates insecurity and anxiety (stress), which often traps us or paralyzes us. The two natural responses to fear are "fight" or "flight". Most of these fears are perceived, so there is no one to actually fight, which leaves us to flight, to avoid the situation or move away from it. The problem is that moving away from the obstacles and fears, sends us in the wrong direction and prevents us from going down the path to success and confidence.

A lot of self help books tell you to face your fears and there is some degree of wisdom. But a better approach is to seek help from someone that can help you navigate around the obstacle of fear in your life. For example, if I have a fear of water and as a result I don't know how to swim, then I decide to face my fear by jumping into the deep waters of a lake...I could drown and die. A better approach would be to take swimming lessons and work with someone that could walk into the shallow end of a pool and help me overcome my fears. Feel Good Modeling can help you navigate around the obstacles getting in your way of modeling and feeling good about yourself. You don't have to face your fears alone and actually we think it is unwise, like jumping into deep water.

Identify your obstacles. You cannot navigate or overcome the obstacles in your life, if you are unaware of them. One of the first steps to overcoming your obstacles is to clearly identify and assess what challenges and roadblocks are hindering you from moving forward. Pay close attention to those things that you avoid, the things that create fear and anxiety in your life. List out as many obstacles as you can and then attempt to prioritize them. What are the 2 or 3 things that really hold you back and get in your way?

Obstacles hide opportunities. Behind every obstacle is at least one opportunity and sometimes more. After you have a list of your obstacles, go back through the list and look for the opportunities that are hiding behind them. If you overcome the obstacle, what opportunity will present itself? List out as many opportunities as you can and then attempt to prioritize the opportunities. Which 2 or 3 opportunities are the most exciting and motivating to you?

Focus on the Opportunity, not the obstacle. Don't allow yourself to dwell on the obstacle or challenge; instead, push yourself to think about the opportunities. Focus your time and energy on achieving the opportunity. Remember, if you need help, then seek out someone to help you achieve the opportunity.

Opportunity for Help - We use our blog posts and website to create an opportunity to help women. If these articles are helpful, then consider contacting us to learn how we can help you even more through personalized services. We can't teach you to swim, but we can teach you a lot about modeling, posing, and hopefully how to feel good about yourself and your body. Please consider contacting us for more help.


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