Getting in the Mood - Right Mindset

M=Mood, Mindset and Method
It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Most people have the discernment or ability to tell when someone is faking an emotion. It is difficult for an angry or sad person to look happy; likewise, it is hard for a happy person to look mad or upset. Often the best actors and models do not pretend to be in a mood that they are not in, because no matter how good you are...pretending is fake.

The best models and actors get in the right mood before the scene starts. As a model, one of the first questions you should ask yourself or the photographer is what mood should I be in for this shoot? Should you be happy, excited or surprised? Or does the scene call for depressed, sad or lonely feelings? Sometimes photographers will tell models to look sexy or a model will think she needs to be in a sexy mood, but be careful. Sexy has many emotions and looks, so try to be more specific. Sometimes sexy is burning with desire and lust for someone. Sometimes sexy is looking innocent, shy or naive. Other times sexy is bold, confident and strong. Or it can be a tease, flirty and playful. All of these can look very different, so it is important to know what mood you should be in.

Some of the best actors practice a technique known as "Method Acting". Likewise, some of the best models practice a similar technique for their modeling. Method actors immerse themselves in their roles for weeks or months, where they learn to think and act like the person both on camera and off camera. For example, if they are playing a policeman, they will go train at a police academy and ride along with policeman for as long as possible to learn the methods. By the time they are in front of the camera they think and act like a policeman, because they prepared themselves.

Method modeling is getting in the mindset and mood days (or at least hours) before a shoot, so when you show up for the shoot you are well prepared. For example, if you are going to be modeling Yoga clothes, then you attend Yoga classes and learn the poses. When you show up for the shoot, then you know how to get in "downward facing dog" or "warrior 2" pose.

Bold, Confident, and Sexy is not something you can pretend to be during a shoot. If you are not naturally bold, confident, and sexy, then you will need to prepare for these types of shoots and learn the mindset and actions of bold, confident and sexy women. Research and watch other women who are bold and confident. Learn how they sit, how they stand, how they move and how their actions make them appear to be bold and sexy. Learn how they think and do your best to start thinking and acting like them in the days leading up to your photo shoot.

You need to have the right mindset and mood before you show up to your photo shoot. This requires practice and role playing to prepare you. The photo shoot is not the place you want to try something for the first time. A paid photo shoot is not a classroom where you are taught and learn something. A paid photo shoot is where people are paying you to perform your best work and where you prove that you are worth the money they are paying you.

We are here to help you! Our services can teach you techniques to help you get in the right mood. We can share information that will help you think like a professional model and get you in the right mindset for shoot. Additionally, we can teach you Method Modeling; how to move beyond pretending and how to be truly bold, confident and sexy. 
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